This week, Jamie Foxx, who has his own radio show, called Mylee Cyrus (spelling?) aka: Hanna Montana, a "White Bitch". He later appologized on the Jay Leno show.
I'm reminded of Don Imus, who USED TO have his own radio show, after referring to a female college basketball team (the name escapes me now), as "Nappy-Headed Ho's". He later appologized, but was fired anyway. (Obviously, a terrible thing to say, even if joking.) The Rev. Al Sharpton spear-headed the protest to get Imus fired.
Anyone wanna take bets that there will be little, if any, public outcry about Foxx's blatant racial slur????? Where is Rev. Al Sharpton?...I thought he 'stood guard' against ALL racism. Is racism toward the white community acceptable??!!...If so, then Sharpton is also a racist.
If Foxx does not get fired, like Imus, then this will be nothing short of a double standard, and racism due to unequal treatment, at the very least.
Foxx crapped-out!