Enough of the liberal-left wing, 'left coast', not to mention the 'left' north east...They have all mentally and logically Crapped-Out! Basically, anyone who voted for Obama.
Obama - a truely unremarkable man, who, prior to the election last week, had accomplished little to nothing, except rampant self-promotion, pure ambition, and with no executive experience. A man who shamelessly dared to start his presidential campaign within months of being elected to the US Senate.
I laughed every time Obama, Biden, and their supporters, claimed that Palin was not experienced enough to be president...Huh?! Last time I heard, she wasn't running for President; McCain was. And, if McCain happened to take a 'dirt nap' while in office, at least she would have had some first-hand experience prior to becoming president, while functioning as the VP. What makes this all so painfully illogical is that Palin still has much more executive and more total years of political experience than Obama, by far, and he was running for the 'top job'. Hello?! How sad that he won by pandering to the ignorance and greed of the leftist masses.
Let's be honest here...Were it not for the financial crisis, 'sparked' by the sub-prime mortgages, that were initiated by the Clinton administration, as yet another form of welfare, Obama would not have been elected. The timing of this financial 'meltdown' felt like an "October surprise". The ignorant masses voted for Obama for only a few reasons: His race - "to make history", for change, and greed/redistribution of wealth, etc. "Change"? - not all change is good...Can you say, "Carter-era". It took only 4 years for the American voters to head back to the Republicans for 12 more years, after 8 years prior to Carter. It was painful to hear voters, who were either going to vote for Obama, or already did, who could not state one position that Obama stood for. - Not one!..Just "change", "change". Well, be careful what you wish for, because you just got it.
Obama is nothing more than the first affirmative action candidate, who is palatable to the mass public, by being educated, a non-reverend, and some who argue - half white. Which leads to the last topic for today...How can Obama be our first "black president"? He is just as much white as he is black; right? His mother is white, and his father is a black man from Africa. (Not an African-American who are rarely 100% of African heritage.) By all accounts, he is exactly half of each race. One can no more call him white, than one can call him black. At best, he would be our first "bi-racial president".
"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire
Whew! I feel better now. Until next time. And, believe me, there will be many more postings, and on a variety of topics. This has been a long time in coming! I won't Crap-Out = To fail to keep a commitment or promise.