Monday, January 26, 2009

Climate Change?!

Don't you 'love' how the term "Global Warming" has now 'morphed' into "Climate Change"?

2008 was one of the coldest years in recorded history in North America, and 2009 is shaping-up to be similar. So, it is no wonder that the global warming 'fans' have started calling it climate change, because it definitely isn't warming!

Looks like global warming and Al Gore have crapped-out!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sarah Palin is right...Caroline Kennedy isn't get near the bad press or scrunity that she received, and Caroline Kennedy has absolutely NO political experience.

See John Ziegler's interview with Sarah Palin on

The last thing this country needs is another liberal Kennedy! Enough! Let's just hope her senate hopes crap-out.